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The Australian Solar Council is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation devoted to the advancement of solar power and complementary technologies in Australia. Its primary activities include the promotion of research, development, and adoption of solar energy through public advocacy and education. The organisation’s tagline is ‘the national voice of solar’, and it comments regularly on developments in the industry, with a particular focus on government policy.
The Australian Solar Council (until recently known as the Australian Solar Energy Society–AuSES) began as the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society (ANZSES)–in turn a branch of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES)–in 1981, well before solar energy technologies had reached its current scale of commercialisation. The activities of the Solar Council have changed in form over time as Australia’s solar industry has grown, but its basic function and mission have not. As a peak body with over 1000 members, the Solar Council is now one one of the key organisations in Australia’s burgeoning solar industry.