Emerald has been selected for Central Queensland’s next large-scale network-connected battery site, which will provide eight megawatt-hours of energy with 4 megawatts of power for up to 2 hours.
The new battery, part of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, is second in Central Queensland after Tanby switched on last year, and will be publicly owned by Ergon Energy.
The new battery is one of the next 12 large-scale, electricity network-connected batteries that will help Queensland communities reap even more benefits from rooftop solar.
Emerald is home to over 1,920 solar systems, and the battery will allow locals to capture cheap renewable energy and drive down power bills, easing the cost of living.
Member for Rockhampton Barry O’Rourke said: “The renewable energy revolution in Central Queensland is good for jobs, good for the economy, and good for the environment, and proudly led by our publicly owned transmission and distribution companies Powerlink and Ergon Energy.
“Construction work is also underway on building a brand-new 50-megawatt battery near Gracemere, which could provide enough power for nearly all the homes in Gracemere and changes the way energy supply and demand can be managed during peak times.
“It means we can pump more cheap renewables into the Queensland SuperGrid and create more good jobs in our publicly owned energy system for workers in Central Queensland.”