In line with its ultimate goal to become a complete clean energy solutions provider, Qcells reforms its brand identity by showcasing a new logo, core values, mission and slogan.
Long recognised as a prominent global solar panel manufacturer, Qcells has launched a new brand identity internationally, driven by its commitment to becoming a complete clean energy solutions provider.
Qcells revealed its new brand logo and a new brand platform that consists of core values, mission and slogan. Qcells’ unveiling of the new brand identity is an extension of the company’s recent efforts to expand its business portfolio throughout solar cells and modules, energy storage systems, energy retail, as well as solar power plants and energy distribution.
New Brand Identity
Qcells’ new brand identity reflects both its vision as a clean energy provider, and the roadmap to business diversification. The logo’s color gradation shift from green to blue visualises Qcells’ fundamental approach to generate clean energy in the most environmental and socially conscious manner possible. Qcells facilities, marketing material, packaging, and new and existing products scheduled to release from April onwards will promote this new look.
Core Values٠Mission٠Slogan
Qcell’s new core values are as follows: Trailblazer, Stewardship and Paragon. These values are what Qcells aspires to stand for, as the clean energy era’s leading company with environmental and social responsibilities, determined to provide quality products and services.
Qcells’ new mission, “We aim for a greener tomorrow with completely clean energy solutions,” and slogan, “Completely Clean Energy,” uphold the brand’s sense of purpose in building a sustainable future for the next generations to come.
Qcells CEO Justin Lee said: “As Qcells has become a global leader in the industry over decades of growth, it is time to reform the brand so that it embraces the company’s expanding vision and scope of business.
“With leadership and responsibility, Qcells will continue to provide industry-leading products and services, and establish itself as a brand that pursues completely clean energy.”