Solar or wind power renewable energy projects could be established on Crown land in the Murray region with the NSW Government launching an Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign.
Crown Lands’ Executive Director of Land and Asset Management Greg Sullivan said the EOI to construct and operate a renewable energy site near Balranald is being conducted under the Office of Energy and Climate Change’s Renewable Energy Infrastructure Investment (REII) program.
Sullivan said: “Renewable energy investment on Crown land can support increased power supplies and security, less emissions to help protect the environment, and also more jobs and economic growth in regional areas.
“It can also diversify the use of Crown land and enhance the value it provides to the community.”
The EOI follows assessment of suitable Crown land sites and agreement with a Western Lands leaseholder on the potential use of their property to support both grazing and a solar or wind energy project.
The proposed use of Crown land for renewable energy aligns with the Crown land 2031 strategy which includes a goal to accelerate economic progress in regional areas by facilitating new and innovative uses for Crown land.
The EOI is open for 6 weeks from 2 March 2023 until 17 April 2023.
Further information can be found here.