The Federal Government has declared an area in the Pacific Ocean off the Hunter, New South Wales, as suitable for offshore wind development.
The declared area off the Hunter covers 1,854 square kilometres and extends from offshore of Norah Head in the south, to Port Stephens in the north. It could generate up to 5GW of wind energy, enough to power an estimated 4.2 million homes and power local industries into the future.
This is the second officially declared Australian offshore wind zone – and being in a heartland of heavy industry, will support future onshore manufacturing and energy security in NSW for decades to come.
The strong, consistent winds off the coast, along with the region’s skilled energy and manufacturing workforce, make the Hunter an ideal location for an offshore wind industry.
The final area was declared after two months of public consultation with a smaller footprint than the originally proposed zone – balancing the views of the local community, local industry and sea users.
The revised zone will be 20 kilometres from the coast in the north and over 35 km from the coast in the south. These changes enable continued safe management of shipping and other sea industries. Offshore infrastructure will also be limited to a height of 260 metres to address aviation safety.
Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen it was another big step for Australia to reap the huge benefits of offshore wind.
“The Hunter is undergoing significant economic change, and the prospect of creating new job opportunities for decades to come through a new offshore wind industry is a game changer.
“Today’s declaration opens the door for a new industry in the Hunter, which could create over 3,000 construction jobs and another 1,560 ongoing jobs.
Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon MP said the government has listened to community feedback and revised the offshore wind zone accordingly to ensure it coexists alongside whale migration, bird and sea life, and our shipping industry.
“This is an important part of a suite of measures which will position Newcastle and the Hunter as a clean energy hub, including an $100 million investment to ensure hydrogen readiness at the Port of Newcastle. Newcastle has a bright future.”
Feasibility licence applications for offshore wind projects in the Hunter area will open from 8 August until 14 November 2023.
During the feasibility licence stage, developers will be required to undertake further consultation on individual proposals, including detailed environmental assessments and impacts on other marine users.
Construction can only begin after feasibility stage is completed, and environmental and management plan approvals are gained.