Energy Networks Australia (ENA) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s next steps to progress the much needed VNI West Interconnector.
ENA CEO Dom van den Berg said the transmission infrastructure was essential to enable secure reliable electricity to be shared between the states and delivered to households across the Victorian and NSW power grids.
“Australia is moving at pace to a renewables based energy system but is hampered by a lack of transmission infrastructure,” she said.
“Supporting the development of critical transmission will deliver renewable energy from where it is generated to where it is needed while at the same time stabilising the energy grid and delivering affordable power to households and businesses.
Ms van den Berg said the announcement built on the work the Victorian Government had done to support the delivery of a project that would benefit all customers, including the announcement of strategic benefit payments for landowners.
“Allowing for compensation payments for landowners who host transmission infrastructure on their property helps to acknowledge the role stakeholders play in aiding in the transition,” she said.
“Building social licence for the development of this essential infrastructure and ensuring impacts on landowners and communities are appropriately recognised and compensated for is paramount. The success of these projects and a secure, reliable transition to a decarbonised grid depends on it.”