Today the Smart Energy Council and Hydrogen Australia have announced that Power Ledger has become a Founding Partner in the Council’s Zero Carbon Certification Scheme.
Chief Executive of the Smart Energy Council, John Grimes, said Power Ledger, whose software allows consumers and producers to track, trace and trade every kilowatt of energy, is one of Australia’s most exciting and innovative companies and the Smart Energy Council is stoked to have them on board.
“The Zero Carbon Certification Scheme is a certificate of origin scheme for renewable hydrogen, renewable ammonia and renewable metals. It’s an absolutely critical step in building the industries of the future,” he said.
Power Ledger has developed world-leading software for energy tracking and trading, flexibility services and environmental commodity trading.
The white-labelled technology is helping clients in nine countries bring new ideas and forms of energy into a modernised grid, while driving the democratisation of power.
The other initial Founding Partners of the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme are: The ACT Government; Ammonia Energy Association; COP26 High Level Champions for Climate Action; CWP Global; Energy Web; Star Scientific; Evoenergy; and the ACT Renewables Hub.
Another Founding Partner is expected to be announced on 13 May.
The German Energy Agency (DENA) and the Australian National University are advisers, and Green Hydrogen Catapult is a Partner Initiative for the Scheme.
The Green Hydrogen Catapult is a global coalition of seven leading renewable hydrogen companies seeking to accelerate the scale and production of green hydrogen 50-fold in the next six years.