A tender released today aims to further enhance the Northern Territory’s capability to reach its net zero emissions target by 2050 and to protect the environment.
The new tender calls for advice on the current greenhouse gas emissions and their sources from the operations of the Northern Territory Government and advice on potential strategies for the Northern Territory Government to reduce its emissions.
The release of this tender is key for the Territory Government to understand its own emissions profile and to establish an effective emissions reduction pathway in order to become carbon neutral by 2030.
The Territory Government is working towards making sure future apartment and mixed-use developments respond to the Territory’s climate, with stage two consultation of the Northern Territory’s Planning Commission’s Designing Better project beginning this month.
In January, the Territory Government released the first Greenhouse Gas Emissions tender which will:
- Provide advice on the Territory’s greenhouse gas emissions profile and likely trajectory to 2050, under different economic development scenarios.
- Identify practical options for emissions reduction activities to inform possible reduction trajectories and a cost-effective reduction pathway to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Minister for Climate Change, Eva Lawler, said the tender will provide the NT Government with expert advice on how buildings and government assets can be more energy efficient.
“The Territory Labor Government knows that climate-smart policy is smart economic policy that will create new jobs for Territorians and deliver significant cost-savings to Territorians.”
“Our Government’s strong environmental policy is securing our natural assets and unlocking social, cultural and economic opportunities for Territorians,” she added.
To view the tender visit tendersonline.nt.gov.au.