The Smart Energy Council has announced that ActewAGL’s hydrogen refuelling station in Canberra will be the first project to be certified under its Zero Carbon Certification Scheme.
In March 2021, Australia’s first public hydrogen refuelling station opened in Fyshwick, ACT. The clean-energy facility was delivered by ActewAGL (operator) and Neoen.
The ACT Government will use the station to service Australia’s first government fleet of hydrogen vehicles, 20 Hyundai NEXOs, as the government continues to transition 100 per cent of its passenger fleet to zero-emissions vehicles where fit for purpose.
The Smart Energy Council’s Hydrogen Australia division will certify the claim that the refuelling station is powered by 100 per cent renewable energy and that it is producing zero-emissions hydrogen. It is expected the hydrogen refuelling station will be certified by 30 June 2021.
On Thursday the Smart Energy Council and Hydrogen Australia also announced the initial Founding Partners in the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme.
The Founding Partners are:
- ACT Government
- Ammonia Energy Association
- Australian National University+
- CWP Global
- Energy Web
- Evoenergy+
- Star Scientific
- UN COP26 High Level Champions
+ Also members of the ACT Renewable Hydrogen Cluster
The German Energy Agency (dena) are Advisors to the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme, and the Green Hydrogen Catapult are joining the scheme as a partner initiative.
ACT Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury, said: “Certification of hydrogen is really important. We want to make sure customers know where the hydrogen is coming from so they can make the smart choice for the future.”
Chief Executive of the Smart Energy Council, John Grimes, said: “We are honoured to have the ACT Government as a Founding Partner in the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme. The ACT Government is a world leader in renewable energy and climate action, delivering 100 per cent zero emissions renewable energy every day of the week.”
Mr Grimes added: “ActewAGL’s hydrogen refuelling station is a landmark project – Australia’s first public hydrogen refuelling station. We will certify the claim it is powered by 100 per cent renewable energy and that it is producing zero-emissions hydrogen.”