The Department of Planning and Transport has released the Development Application for the Goyder South Hybrid Renewable Energy Facility (Goyder South) for public exhibition and comment.
Independent renewable energy producer, Neoen Australia Pty Ltd, is seeking Development Application for the Goyder South pursuant to section 49 of the Development Act 1993 (SA).
The proposed project, to be located south of Burra in the north-west of South Australia, is planned to comprise:
- A wind farm (up to 163 turbines to a maximum tip height of 240m) with a capacity of up to 1200 Megawatts (MW).
- A solar farm (across two sites) with a capacity of up to 600MW over 3000 ha.
- An energy storage facility (lithium-ion battery) with a capacity of up to 900MW/1,800MWh (2 hours).
- Associated infrastructure for connection to the electricity grid including three substations, access tracks, underground connection cabling and transmission lines.
- Permanent operations and maintenance compounds.
- Temporary construction compounds for both wind and solar components, including concrete batching plants.
- A number of meteorological masts (in addition to those already on the site) to record wind speed and other meteorological data, both pre- and post-construction.
At its full size of approximately 1200MW of wind, 600MW of solar and 900MW/1,800MWh of battery storage, Goyder South could generate more than 4,800,000 MWh of power annually [1] estimated to be equivalent to:
- 2,112,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year.
- 872,000 cars taken off the road per year.
- 39,360,000 trees planted per year.
Given the scale of energy generation which would be achieved by the project, Goyder South is proposed to be constructed across multiple stages (potentially three separate stages each comprising 400MW wind, 200MW solar, and 300MW/600MWh storage).
Neoen requests that, if approved, the development timeframes be structured on a rolling basis and expects that the construction of the entire large-scale project could be completed within 12 years from the date of approval.
The Development Application can be downloaded via the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) site. Please look under ‘Crown Developments’, Development Number 422/V009/20, Neoen Australia Pty Ltd.
Neoen encourages all local residents to have their say on the project. If you would like to submit a representation to SCAP, information and forms can be found at the above link. Note that the closing date for representations is 18 September 2020.
Neoen also invites community members with questions, comments or concerns to call the project hotline 1800 966 166 or send a message to contact@goyderenergy.com.au